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Open Space Committee Minutes 01/08/2010
Town of Old Lyme Open Space Committee Meeting
Old Lyme Town Hall

Minutes: January 8, 2010

OSC members present were Amanda Blair, Peter Cable, George James, Chairman Diana Atwood Johnson, Ted Kiritsis and OLCT liaison Christina Clayton. Also in attendance were Mike Kiernan, OLCT, to describe a comprehensive trail plan connecting the Town’s open space, and Old Lyme residents MaryJo Nosal and Nanette Salvino. Because a quorum of committee members was not present, a formal OSC meeting was not held, but there were informal discussions of two items.

Proposed Cell Tower Lease on Cross Lane
The Old Lyme Selectmen had agreed to lease to SBA Towers LLC, subject to Town vote, a small piece of open space (75’X75’) near the firehouse on Cross Lane, for the purpose of constructing a cell tower. Restriction on the open space to be used for the tower require that the Town find other property, suitable in size and quality, to designate as new open space in trade for the area lost. The area identified for the new open space is a 46-acre property on Cross Lane, across the street from the firehouse. There was discussion of the proposed lease but insufficient information available at the meeting, on either the details of the tower and its location or the features of the proposed open space swap, to reach a consensus.

OLCT Trail Plan
Mike Kiernan presented a plan, intended for long-term consideration, to unify and connect the Town’s open space.  OSC discussion of the plan affirmed the committee members’ appreciation for the audacity, vision and comprehensive scope of the OLCT trail plan.

Respectfully submitted,

Peter Cable